Executive Leadership Coaching

Executive leadership coaching helps leaders of established companies maximize the effects of their leadership efforts.

An executive leadership coach can work with individuals or groups, and established leaders or up-and-coming prospects.


Executive Leadership Coaching Assessment

The first step is a comprehensive assessment. We want to know our client’s work history and the strengths, weaknesses, and leadership styles. If desired, this can involve 360-degree feedback from colleagues and superiors to understand how the leader is perceived. Most importantly, we ask what the client wants to accomplish through leadership coaching for executives. This includes how they would like to improve as a leader, get more joy out of work, and the skills they hope to learn.


Executive Leadership Coaching

Goal Setting

With all of the information from the assessment, we set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART objectives) goals for the executive leadership coaching engagement. These goals align with the areas where our client wants to improve and the organization’s expectations for her performance. This plan will change and evolve as we work together. At the beginning, it serves as a starting point for our work together. As part of the goal setting, we will include measurable and time-bound goals that we can check in on at certain intervals. leadership coaching for executives should produce measurable and meaningful change. Checking in as time goes along will help ensure this.


Executive Leadership Coaching


The executive leadership coaching sessions are typically one-on-one meetings. These sessions take place in person and virtually, depending on the schedule of the given week. We use active listening, questioning, and role-playing exercises to help clients explore challenges, identify potential solutions, and enhance their leadership skills. We ensure that we are working on barriers and weaknesses and enhancing and nurturing her excellent natural strengths.

Hours of Service Delivered

Executives Served

Groups Served

Years Of Experience

What to Expect from Executive Leadership Coaching


Leadership Coaching for Executives Methods

During the sessions, we work to help leaders develop specific skills required for their role, such as clearly communicating vision, delegating effectively, becoming comfortable making high-level decisions, and team-building capabilities.

Some specific leadership coaching for executives techniques we will use include:

Active Listening and Questioning

We employ active listening skills to understand our client’s challenges, aspirations, and thought processes. We may ask thought-provoking questions that encourage self-reflection and deeper insights. This might include, “What job would you not want at this company, and why, and how can you change that?” Another example is, “Who on your team is least satisfied with their work, why, and are there ways to make them more satisfied?”

Behavioral Change and Skill Development

Much of our work together may involve introducing new perspectives. This is evident in the questions above. Role-playing, simulations, and experiential learning exercises will help our clients practice and integrate new behaviors. They will also help them develop new insights.

Conflict Resolution and Emotional Intelligence (EI)

We assist clients in seeing whether they may have blind spots or other holes in their emotional intelligence. For example, if they have trouble navigating conflicts effectively with some people we will explore those situations with the goal of improvement. We may even do some psychological testing for emotional intelligence.

Feedback and Feedforward:

Much of our leadership coaching for executives engagement will be used to collect information from our clients about how they are doing. These discussions will provide detail and data while also assessing for distortions. These feedback sessions provide insights into progress and areas for adjustment. We use positive psychology techniques to emphasize future-oriented suggestions for improvement.

Networking and Relationship Building:

We guide clients in developing and maintaining meaningful professional relationships. This will enable them to expand their networks and enhance collaboration. For example, with newer leaders who find themselves intimidated by those who have been in their roles for longer than them, we will specifically work to reduce that anxiety.

Culture and Organizational Alignment

We may spend some time at the company to better understand organizational culture. This will help us assist clients in aligning their leadership style with company values. In turn, they will be able to foster an environment conducive to growth and innovation.

We also use the executive leadership coaching sessions to do some general work, such as teaching clients relaxation and stress management techniques, refining time-management methods, and helping them avoid burnout by taking care of themselves. 

executive presence coaching

Leadership Coaching for Executives: Accountability 

We hold clients accountable for implementing the action plans and between-session work. We continually review progress, address any challenges, and make necessary adjustments to the leadership coaching for executives  service process

Executive Leadership Coaching: Evaluating Impact

At the end of the coaching engagement, we evaluate progress made and the impact of the coaching on leadership abilities and overall performance. This evaluation helps determine if any additional development is needed.

An example

Executive Presence Coaching

Executive presence coaching focuses on developing the qualities and skills that enable leaders to project confidence, authority, and credibility. This type of coaching helps individuals at various organizational levels to enhance their leadership capabilities, improve communication, and effectively influence and inspire others. Here are some key aspects typically covered in executive presence coaching:

Key Aspects of Executive Presence Coaching

1. Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
– Understanding personal strengths and weaknesses.
– Managing emotions and understanding their impact on others.
– Developing empathy and building strong interpersonal relationships.

2. Communication Skills
– Enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication.
– Learning to articulate thoughts clearly and persuasively.
– Improving public speaking and presentation skills.

3. Confidence and Composure
– Building self-confidence and maintaining poise under pressure.
– Developing strategies to stay calm and composed in challenging situations.

4. Appearance and Body Language
– Understanding the importance of professional appearance.
– Using body language effectively to convey confidence and authority.

5. Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
– Enhancing decision-making skills.
– Developing a strategic approach to problem-solving.

6. Influence and Persuasion
– Learning techniques to influence and persuade stakeholders.
– Building a strong executive presence to inspire and motivate teams.

Benefits of Executive Presence Coaching

– Enhanced Leadership Skills: Improved ability to lead and manage teams effectively.
– Career Advancement: Increased potential for promotions and career growth.
– Improved Relationships: Better interpersonal relationships within and outside the organization.
– Greater Influence: Enhanced ability to influence and inspire others, driving organizational success.

Choosing an Executive Presence Coach

When selecting an executive presence coach, consider the following:

– Experience and Expertise: Look for a coach with a proven track record in executive presence coaching and relevant industry experience.
– Coaching Style: Ensure the coach’s style aligns with your learning preferences and professional goals.
– References and Testimonials: Seek feedback from previous clients to gauge the coach’s effectiveness.
– Certifications and Training: Check for relevant certifications and training in executive presence coaching.

executive leadership coach
leadership coaching for executives

YOur Executive leadership Coach 

Consulting for Crowdfunding

Your executive leadership coaching experience will be based on exactly what you want to work on. This includes the areas where you want to enhance your strengths and the challenges you want to address. YOur executive leadership coach can deliver services to a small group, members of a Board of Directors, or up-and-coming leaders who may not be in the executive suite yet. 

If you or someone you work with could benefit from working with an executive leadership coach, please contact us to discuss further.