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Offices in Boston, Los Angeles, Portsmouth, San Diego, and Denver
+1 617 680 5488

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Help with Crowdfunding Plan


(617) 680-5488

Crowdfunding Connections


Crowdfunding Help Home


Boston, New York, San Diego, LA


Is the consultation free?

Always. We want to make sure that our services can provide meaningful help for you with your project or purpose. The goal of the consultation is for us to learn as much as we can about you so we can describe which services would give you measurable and important results. We never charge for the initial contact, and we always provide as much as help as we can for free.

How quickly will you respond to our contact request?

We try to respond within 2-3 working days. Our goal is to be fully engaged and available when we do respond.

Does it matter whether we call, write, or use the contact form

Our speed of response will not differ between the three methods of contact us. Feel free to use whichever one you feel most comfortable with.

Do you share any of the information we provide?

We do not share any information you provide with anyone. An NDA is assumed in all of our work, and of course we’d be happy to sign one if your company uses one.