The advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding may depend a little on your purpose and unique path. So, we may not be able to give a specific list of the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding for your project or you as an investor. You’ll need to do a lot of homework before making a pitch or investing. We can, however, give you some general information to get you started. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding from both the investor side and the side of the person or group making a pitch to the crowd.
Of course, our services are designed to help you navigate the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding and connect you with the best platform for your needs, but this guide can help you gain the background knowledge you need.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Crowdfunding for Investors
The advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding on the investor side involve risk, reward, and expectations. You are likely comparing the returns and other aspects of a crowdsourcing investment with different possibilities, and here is what you might find:
Advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding and returns
The main advantage of crowdfunding from the investor side are the return compared to other forms of investment. Of course, this is where you must be very diligent in your research because if you are looking for a return, you must choose wisely. Of course, there are more risky/higher return and less risky/lower return investments that you can choose, but this area can nicely round out your portfolio, and you can, in many ways, choose your level of risk.
The pitfalls of crowdfunding, then, are that you can find that your investments do not pay off. Unlike a CD with a guaranteed, even if low, return or the stock market, which has proven to be a fruitful long-term investment, there is no guarantee that your crowdsourcing investment will pay off. Making choices such as spreading your investment dollars over many investments and choosing projects that appear low-risk can help.
The other disadvantages of crowdfunding for investors include the fact that there is risk in this type of investment. Given that there is less regulation than when you invest in a company’s stock, for example, you may not know everything you want to know ahead of time.
Advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding: Inside information
Of course, many investors choose this route for other reasons, so the other advantages of crowdfunding may include getting inside information about a product or service you will enjoy knowing about. You may also be treated to getting the actual product or service before the public. And then there are the “feel good” possibilities related to helping a cause that you feel motivated about or a person you want to help reach their goals. The disadvantages of crowdsourcing, of course, are that the payouts are not as substantial and that they may not even be part of the plan. Crowdfunding done primarily for Perks and Cool Stuffperks or to help in a mission-driven way is often not financially fruitful, though that is part of the expectation.
Other factors for investors to consider
There may be other advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding for investors depending on the type of investment, for example:
- You may want to support a specific cause, whether related to the background of the people who have started the company or the product itself. Maybe you want to keep the introduction of a renewable energy invention, or perhaps you want to support single mothers. One way or another, your investment can make a return and support a cause.
- Your investment may be in a friend or family member, and the crowdfunding platform allows a third party to protect you from strained relationships. In other words, when a neighbor, colleague, friend, or even family member has a promising invention or business expansion, you can have a third party vet it and handle the business transaction.
- One of the advantages of crowdfunding is the fun of it all. Do not overlook the excitement of following a promising product, business, or person, getting updates, and perhaps introductions. This can be much more fun than traditional investments!
Advantages and Disadvantages of Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs
The advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding for those receiving the funds are fairly straightforward.
Advantages of crowdfunding for entrepreneurs
The main advantage is that there may be few other possibilities to get funding. Your project or purpose may not be far enough along from a financial perspective to qualify for bank funding, or the bank funding might be in the form of a personal loan that would be expensive. There are also more subtle advantages, such as having a group of investors who can trial a new product or service and provide feedback or give some of the external excitement and PR you need. If you are getting money primarily for insider perks or made in a mission-driven way, you may not have to pay things back, or the payback may be quite reasonable.
Disadvantages of crowdfunding for entrepreneurs
The disadvantage of crowdfunding for those making a pitch is that it may not be as guaranteed in the long run as a bank loan or other traditional funding. You may get some initial funding, but then the crowd turns its attention to something else. The other disadvantage is that the funders may have more expectations for news and follow-up, which can be distracting and time-consuming. And finally, with the rise in crowdsourcing, it may be hard to get noticed and funded instead of going to a bank. These crowdfunding negatives may or may not be enough to outweigh the positives, but you should still keep them in mind.
NI Business Info has a great list of the advantages and disadvantages, and there are many places to get specific advice, such as this answer on Quora about the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding a mobile app.
Lesser Known Advantages and Disadvantages of Crowdfunding
The advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding are not always obvious. Of course, the simple stuff, like the advantage of getting money much cheaper than the bank might give and for purposes that go well beyond what banks will fund, is apparent. Of course, in some cases, there isn’t even any payback needed – people want to be a part of your project. The clear disadvantages include the work that must be put in to make a pitch (as opposed to a simple loan application) and the incredibly competitive atmosphere about getting funds. But what are the lesser-known pros and cons of crowdfunding? Here are a few:
Lesser known advantages of crowdfunding:
- The terms can be quite flexible and changeable. Since you have a relationship with your funders, you may be able to ask that any payback be pushed off or changed, and the response may be more flexible than you’d get from a bank or even peer-to-peer loans.
- You may find it easier to go back to the crowd for more funds, or in a related way; you may be able to start small and then keep increasing your pitch as you need more funds. This allows you not to take more than you need.
- Creating your crowdfunding pitch may help you think things through and plan more deeply than you would have if you just had to apply for a bank loan. Whether because potential funders ask questions or you know you must present a detailed pitch, you genuinely think things through.
Lesser known disadvantages of crowdfunding:
- You do not get to know your investors as well as they get to know you. So, you may end up with an investor in your project who is overbearing and demanding.
- You may change your product or project in response to investor wishes or requests you would not have made with traditional funding. Like a publicly traded company, you give up some control to those with a financial stake.
- Investors can default. Unlike banks, where it is secure that you will get your money, investors who do not pay upfront may default on their promise to fund you.
There may be other less common pros and cons of crowdfunding, but these examples may get you thinking as you consider making a pitch or an investment.
There are other advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding, and much depends on your specific product or pitch or your unique investment goals. You need to carefully research this route if you are an entrepreneur and do your homework if you are an investor.
If you want more information about the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding for your specific idea or purpose or would like to use our services to help you make the best crowdfunding connection, please get in touch with us any time.