Crowdfunding Platform Connections

Connecting Start-Ups to the Crowd

Crowdfunding Consulting Services

100% Free Service

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Crowdfunding Platform Connections Service Overview

We’re here to help you get the best deal at the best platform.

Developing Crowdfunding Platform Connections

We have many crowdfunding platform connections and no biases as far as which one you choose. It can be overwhelming to choose a platform, since it is truly a vitally important decision. One way to narrow your choices is to look at the subtle differences between sites, including the deals you can get and the content of the contracts you’ll need to sign. We will lay out your choices and present the advantages and disadvantages of each of the crowdfunding platform connections you could make. There are many good choices out there, but potentially only one or two perfect ones for you.

Maintaining Crowdfunding Platform Connections

Once you have chosen a crowdfunding platform, or even decided to do an independent raise, we can help you connect with potential investors. Once again, we use performance psychology methods to attract and motivate investors and sound business principles to ensure that you are presenting a compelling case. We then work to retain these investors so that they might invite their own network to invest, and potentially invest in future rounds. We will also use our crowdfunding platform connections to make sure you can tap into the range of services they provide each raise.

Developing Post-Raise Strategies and Plans

It’s important to realize that the importance of crowdfunding platform connections does not end after the raise. You may need to come back to the crowd for future funding rounds, and even if not, you now have a group of motivated and excited followers you need to nurture. We will once again use our innovative methods to make sure you stay connected in the most meaningful way possible. We will work behind the scenes to vet other potential platforms and new ways to connect with your stakeholders. Our work can continue while you use the money raised to grow your business.

Other Connections

Within the major categories listed above, we provide the following unique and specific types of crowdfunding connections that may be helpful to your business or project.


Connect with Peers

We can connect you to other businesses who have faced the same challenges and reached success so you can learn from each other and compare notes

Connect with Customers

Our services can extend beyond the funding process if you choose. In this case we will use the same principles and approaches to get you connected with customers.


Connect with Government

There may be crowdfunding connections that local, state and federal government sources can provide to boost your business along the way.

Connect with Yourself

As you grow we can help you make sure your vision is refined and powerfully communictaed to staff, investors, and other stakeholders.

Crowdfunding Platform Connections FAQ

Here are some of the common questions people ask about our Crowdfunding Platform Connections Service. 

You can also contact us or schedule a consultation to get more information.

How much will the crowdfunding platform connections service cost?

Our services are mostly free! The services we provide to connect you to investors and platforms are always free, and subsequent services may be free as well depending on your needs.

What are the different terms you can negotiate?

These terms might include the fees you will pay, the amount of marketing you will get, and the help they will provide with other aspects of your raise.

What comes with the crowdfunding connections service?

We will give you the information you need to make your own choice, and then, if you’d like, we can make the connection and negotiate the best terms. 

How is your service guaranteed?

If we do charge you anything for service beyond the connection and negotiation, we fully guarantee that charge – if we do not meet the goals we set, we give your money back.

Inquire About Crowdfunding Platform Connections Services