Crowdfunding Services

We combine the powerful principles of performance psychology with sound business strategies to connect promising projects with funding, and we do all of our crowdfunding services with a 100% fully guaranteed model.

Our Crowdfunding Services

Core Crowdfunding Services

You may have browsed many crowdfunding sites by now. There certainly are more and more every day. Perhaps you found that what you really needed was a place to get independent advice before you committed to a particular one. That is a smart choice. It is hard for websites to be “neutral” when they have a stake in your choice.

We’re not saying that the best crowdfunding sites purposely deceive. Rather, when you are selling a service like they are, your enthusiasm can limit the amount that you can be unbiased. Enter crowdfunding consultants like us. We present not only the many positives involved with all types of crowdsourcing and the platforms involved with each, but also the drawbacks. We also show the instances where these crowdsourcing instruments are not a good choice.

The basic types of crowdfunding projects we support include:

Rewards/Early Adopters-type

There are no regulations as to who can invest in rewards-based crowdfunding or early adopters crowdfunding. The payoff is not monetary. Thus our services involve deciding which insider information, meet-and-greets product demos, or other rewards you should use and then how you to make your excitement about your project contageous. We use our experience and knowledge in Performance Psychology to help you hit the nail on the head!

Debt Crowdfunding

Debt crowdfunding protects you from having to give away actual ownership in your company, but it creates the need to pay back investors regardless of your eventual success. We can help match you with a strong debt crowdfunding platform, ensure that the amount of debt you are taking on makes sense, and refine your pitch to potential investors so it is powerful and confident.

Equity Crowdfunding

These investments involve financial risk and reward. The investor expectation is that when the project becomes a success there will be a financial payoff, while the company looking for the investment is giving away a portion of their equity to the crowd for needed funding.  We can help you find the best platform match, create the most compelling  pitch, and ensure that the equity you give is a win-win between you and your investors.

Other Types of Crowdsourcing

There are other types of crowdfunding that we support, including SAFE agreements that only convert to equity for the investor if certain events occur, combined debt and equity pitches, percentage returns (which are common with film and TV projects), and even “terms to be decided” pitches where you are gauging interest even before setting up terms and risking giving away too much equity.

Crowdfunding services

Makes our Crowdfunding Services Different

There are many crowdfunding services to choose from. So why choose us?

Here are some factors that differentiate us from other crowdfunding services and consultants: 


We offer our connection services completely free, but if you choose additional support, such as help designing your pitch, marketing outside the platform, help with business planning, or assistance communicating with investors, we do charge a fee. We can talk about equity instead of the fee. Overall, however, we keep our fees low; again, much of what we do is free. Clear and honest communication upfront is vital to us.


The project for which you are seeking crowdfunding services is yours, and we respect that. We want you to maintain control over the creative process, the business planning, and the communication. Before we do anything, we will check with you to ensure it fits with your plans.

Trust and Credibility

We’ve been around for most of the crowdfunding industry’s growth and take pride in the positive feedback we’ve received. We are accountable to you and appreciate and are honored by that trust.

Support and Resources

We provide resources and guidance to help you at every step of the way, and we are available to you as often as you need us. This help may include tips on your presentation, social media strategy, general marketing, and fulfillment of perks. You can always reach out for assistance when needed.

Security and Privacy

Robust security measures are crucial to protect the information you provide us. We always insist on signing a non-disclosure agreement even if you don’t have one. We ensure that nothing you say will ever be released to anyone else.

Contact Us! We’d Be Happy to Discuss How Our Services Might Help.

Our crowdfunding services have helped a wide range of founders, and we can discuss how we can help you. Again, the connection services are free, and the other services, should you want them, are very reasonably priced. A consultation is always free!