Raising money for independent film is challenging but certainly not impossible. We can help you find the best match regarding crowdfunding platforms and other sources and help you decide what type of crowdfunding best fits you, but we wanted to provide some free information first. You are likely quite passionate about your project, feel it has tremendous potential, and think others should see it. It would seem that getting the investment you need through crowdsourcing would be reasonably easy then, and we could provide a simple and easy answer to the question of how to get crowdfunding. It’s not that simple.
Raising Money for Independent Film: The Challenge
Remember that as popular as crowdfunding is with investors looking to broaden their portfolios and gain insider advantages and information, many independent film or TV series projects are very high quality and interesting. Before advertising your project, look at any popular crowdfunding sites and notice the great films and series you can find there. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential investor, and you’ll see the incredible number of options available. Even if you try to narrow things down a little, there will still be many options and ideas that look like great possibilities.
Knowledge and homework are necessary and important, and we hope to help. Our services are available, often for free, to help you meet the challenge.
Raising Money for Independent Film: Diversify Your Funding
We’re not presenting this to depress those considering indie film crowdfunding – great projects still do get funded. But we do hope that you do not rely on crowdfunding as the only option at first; have a more conventional backup in mind and perhaps even pursue both the crowdfunding path and this more traditional route so that there is a backup plan. And at the same time, continually refine and promote your pitch in this aggressive market. That is the first key to raising money for independent film!
Raising Money for Independent Film: Advice 
Our website is designed for a wide variety of filmmakers and TV producers who want to know how to get crowdfunding. There is a wealth of information here that can help you navigate the crowdsourcing system and achieve success. We wanted to offer some additional tips regarding raising money for independent film that you may not have thought of and may augment the other information on our website. These are small but powerful tips that may be helpful.
Tips for Raising Money for Independent Film:
1. Have a group of advisers who may be friends, neighbors, and family but will be willing to give you honest feedback about your crowdfunding pitch and the information you are putting out about your project. Try things out on them first, including having an unpublished view of your pages that will be online at a crowdfunding site. You want to iron out any issues and perfect your initial pitch, given that crowdfunding investors may only give you a quick second to make an initial impression.
2. Research your best approach by looking at other indie film and TV series crowdfunding pitches and narrow your choices to those who have been successful, at least initially. It can be tempting to navigate around to other similar angles to yours, but if they have not attracted funding, they may not be the best example to lead you to success. Your best examples, instead, are the pitches that are relatively similar to yours and have already attracted money.
3. Make a perfect first impression. This is not an overstatement – investors are browsing many possibilities and likely not spending too long on each. Yours needs to stand out quickly. Again, this is where you and your inner circle can look to successfully funded indie films for guidance.
3. Communication needs to be quick. Whatever type of inbox you use when an investor asks a question or wants more information, check it often and respond quickly. Even if you want a little time to give a detailed and well-researched answer, at least immediately get back and say that that is your intention. You have a lot of competition; this tip can ensure that you hold your potential investors’ attention and is critical.
4. An important step is showing off the quality of the project – has the script been covered, have any cast members been identified, who is in the crew, etc.? A high-quality pitch video, samples of prior work, or your background and qualifications can help. In summary, you need to present the idea, the process, and the payback, all in terms that are compelling to potential investors.
Keys to Raising Money for Independent Film
Your indie film project is unique, and you must find the platform and investors most interested in getting involved. This may be the most crucial step. Then, it would be best to convey to those investors why your project fits their ideals and goals when investing in crowdfunded projects. Along the way, you should stay in touch and remain open, honest, and informative as your raise progresses. You want to build the strength and commitment of your crowd.
Raising Money for Independent Film: The Investor Side
The most important trick to getting crowdfunding for your independent film project or TV series is to have an idea that captures an investor’s attention for long enough that they are willing to look into things further. And then, when they look into it, you’ve presented your project concisely and with a clear path to payback to the investor. Too many independent film and TV projects make arguments based on the artistic quality of the project, its uniqueness, how funny it will be, etc. These are undoubtedly essential areas that many in the entertainment industry have been trained in. However, don’t forget that investors want to know how they will benefit.
We present the investor side here for two reasons. First, we are motivated to help investors because of our dedication to the industry. When people are successful, they might bring on more investors or invest in more projects. In addition, for those looking to raise money for independent film, it is vital to understand the investor side when making your pitch.
Conclusions and Our Services
Raising money for independent film is challenging, but it is quite possible with the right amount of knowledge and a good plan. Know what investors are looking for, search out the platforms that are the best fit, and develop a compelling pitch. Then, make sure to follow up regularly and openly.
How we can help
We aim to help indie film and TV producers get the investments they need and deserve. We can help you take all of these steps above in ways that give you the best chance of being funded. And remember, our services come with a guarantee, so you do not have to take too much of a financial risk in hiring us. We will also stay well out of your way as far as the stuff you know best.
We believe in our process, and we believe in you! Contact us if you want to discuss raising money for independent film in general or specific to your needs. We never charge for initial conversations; many of our services are free, and we have a Charitable Foundation for filmmakers who are early in their careers.